Online webinars to support development of pandemic fund proposals


The Pandemic Fund opened its first Call for Proposals on March 3, 2023 and is inviting interested Eligible Countries, Regional Entities and Implementing Entities to develop full proposals for potential projects to be supported by this initial funding. The submission portal will open in early May and will be closed on May 19, 2023.

WHO, in collaboration with UNICEF, FAO, World Bank, the Global Fund and GAVI, will hold a series of webinars in the last week of March between 12:00-14:00 CET each day to outline tools and approaches countries can take to develop Pandemic Fund proposals as part of broader national plans and priorities for health emergency preparedness, readiness and resilience:

  • Day 1, 27 March – Introduction and Overview: Overview of Pandemic Fund and first call for proposal, introduction to national planning for health emergency preparedness, readiness and resilience and overview of tools available
  • Day 2, 28 March – Capacity, threat, and vulnerability assessment: Approach to bringing together existing (i) national capacities assessments, (ii) threat and vulnerability analysis, and (iii) risk profile and high-level strategic objectives
  • Day 3, 29 March – Prioritised and costed plans: approach to developing (i) prioritized action plans for health security based on capacity assessment, (ii) operational readiness plan imminent risks based on existing strategies and programmes, and (iii) costed action/operational plans that inform overall investment plans
  • Day 4, 30 March – Resource mapping and mobilisation: Approach to (i) mapping domestic and international financing sources and completing a gap assessment, (ii) completing funding proposals to multiple financial sources, and (iii) identifying and bringing in technical and operational partners
  • Day 5, 31 March – Implementation, monitoring, and review: Approach to (i) establishing a monitoring and evaluation framework, (ii) completing operational reviews, and (iii) adjusting plans, including financing critical bottlenecks

On April 1, the Global Support Platform will be launched, including (i) consolidated tools and templates, and (ii) Open WHO training course/s and materials to support capacity-building.

The workshops will be recorded and made available online.

Registration link: