From 12 to 14 September, the ANIMUSE Workshop for the Americas was held in Montevideo, Uruguay. This workshop was organised with the support of the project Working together to fight antimicrobial resistance funded by the European Union, and a Project financed by GIZ as commissioned by the Government of the Federal Republic of Germany. It was also supported by the Ministry of Livestock, Agriculture and Fisheries of Uruguay.
During this workshop, 21 participants from veterinary services in the Americas were trained on ANIMUSE, the new platform for data collection and analysis. ANIMUSE incorporates functions that
facilitate notification and reporting, error control and data visualisation tools, facilitating the analysis process and communication for decision making by countries.
Dr Javier Yugueros-Marcos, Head of WOAH’s Antimicrobial Resistance & Veterinary Products Department, commented on the training: “The cooperation and continued support of the countries of the Americas is extremely valuable to achieve our common goals in optimising the use of antimicrobials. The work of Veterinary Services is essential in the global challenge of cross-sectoral management of antimicrobial resistance“.