2021 Update Meeting

Tripartite project: "Working together to fight antimicrobial resistance"


On Thursday, September 16, the OIE held a virtual meeting with the CAMEVET Executive Board, the Focal Points of veterinary products and the Industry associations of Veterinary Products of the countries that are part of the tripartite project “Working together to fight antimicrobial resistance”

The objective of this meeting was to present to CAMEVET members the characteristics and functionalities of a mobile phone application for the detection of unregistered veterinary products, and to evaluate the viability of the project.

Dr Maria Mesplet, as project officer, shared a detailed explanation of this mobile phone application, and highlighted that one of its mean features will be the possibility of verifying  whether antimicrobials are registered or not, and the access to information on registered products.

The RRA outlined that, although this development will be entirely financed by the project, it will be carried out in permanent consultation with CAMEVET, so that once the project is completed it will be a tool for the whole region and it will be managed by CAMEVET.

The meeting was very positive and it was decided that the RRA will coordinate new meetings, including a consultant who will prepare the guidelines for the hiring of the company that will develop this app.