November 18-24, 2020

World Antimicrobial Awareness Week


Here are some of the materials developed by the countries of the Region of the Americas for the World Antimicrobial Awareness Week as an inspiration and encouragement to everyone, and with the intention of appreciating and spreading the exceptional work carried out by the Veterinary Services of Argentina, Chile, Colombia, Peru, Paraguay and Uruguay.

Click here to download the banner 

The World Antimicrobial Awareness Week (WAAW) is a global campaign carried out every year which aims to increase awareness and understanding of Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR) and to encourage best practices to avoid the further emergence and spread of AMR worldwide.

The World Organization for Animal health (OIE), the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), and the World Health Organization (WHO) promote the WAAW campaign under the concept of ”One Health”, highlighting the interdependence between animal health, human health and the environment.

Through this approach and in the framework of the tripartite project “Working Together to Fight Antimicrobial Resistance”, the OIE has supported the Veterinary Services of the 7 participating countries (Argentina, Brazil, Colombia, Chile, Paraguay, Peru and Uruguay) in the development and communication of the WAAW’s key messages.

Click here (600 × 336 px) to download the GIF for use on social media, WhatsApp and e-mail and for use on web pages click here (1024 × 512px).

Learn about some of the materials developed by the countries of the project for the World Antimicrobial Awareness Week – 2020.

Participating countries

Argentina, Chile and Colombia campaigns


Campaign focused on social networks and the veterinary service website

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Radio campaign as a strategy to address farmers and Google search ads

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Campaign focused on the distribution of informative calendars on the health management of the herd and the control of AMR, for the cattle dealers

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Participating countries

Paraguay, Peru and Uruguay campaigns


Social media campaign, veterinary service website and posters. All materials were issued in both Spanish and Guarani

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Campaign aimed at advertising in a technical magazine for Veterinarians, roll-up screen for events and posters for use in strategic points of the country

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Campaign in local radio stations as a strategy to address the entire territory

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A strategic stakeholder in the fight against AMR are the Official Veterinary Services, who build bridges between the different sectors that can contribute to minimize the effects of AMR.