Focal points

Information session on Animal Welfare


We invite you to participate in an information session for animal welfare focal points. This Session aims to provide an update on the WOAH Global Animal Welfare Strategy pillars, to strengthen your engagement as focal point in the WOAH standard-setting process and to inform you of any other relevant activities related to animal welfare discussed during the Code Commission meeting in September. 

We are holding five webinars in different time zones and languages: three in English, one in French and one in Spanish. You are welcome to attend any webinar that best suit your time zone and language. Please note that the same content will be presented at the five webinars. 

Please find below the schedule for these webinars.  You will find the corresponding link to register for a specific session. Please also verify the language of your choice.  


Langauge   Date and time  Agenda  Zoom registration link 
French   16th November– 11:00 (CET)  Download here  
English 1   16th November – 13.00 (CET)  Download here  
Spanish   16th November – 16:00 (CET)  Download here  
English 2   16th November – 17:00 (CET)  Download here  
English 3   17th November – 7:00 (CET)   Download here