The Subregional Tripartite Project “Working together to fight antimicrobial resistance“, held a series of virtual seminars (between August and October 2020) on the role of molecular biology in integrated surveillance of AMR within the framework of One Health. Among the topics addressed was a presentation on international research cooperation networks to fight AMR. The OIE speaker on this topic was Dr. Stefano Messori (Profile *pdf), chargée de mission at the Science Department, where he acts as Scientific Secretary of the Strategic Alliance for Research in Animal Health (STAR-IDAZ International Research Consortium-IRC) whose objective is to coordinate animal health research at a global level to maximize the development of tools and strategies for disease control, as well as alternatives to the use of antimicrobials. His participation was an outstanding initiative of the OIE so that the countries participating in the project know the possibility of international collaboration to promote the development of new strategies, as well as animal health tools for the prevention, diagnosis, treatment, control and eradication of priority animal diseases, that is, actions that help mitigate AMR.
To access information on alternatives to antimicrobials, please visit:
For further information on the project, please visit:
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