American Committee for Veterinary Medicines


The American Committee for Veterinary Medicines (CAMEVET) is a regional project which aims to facilitate the harmonization of standards, records, and control of veterinary medicines among member countries.

Last news and events

from 30/10/2023 to 02/11/2023

XXVIII Seminar on harmonization of registrati...

Montevideo, Uruguay
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CAMEVET 2024 Seminar

July 01, 2024
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Executive board of CAMEVET

November 09, 2022
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The Committee was created during the V Semminar on Harmonisation of Registration and Control of Veterinary Medicinal Products as COLMEVET (download the creation document, spanish only), held in La Habana, Cuba, in 1999, and ratified during the XV OIE Regional Conference of the Americas Regional Commission held in Cartagena, Colombia, March 2000, and countersigned during the General Session of the OIE International Committe on May 2000, where the rules where approved (donwnload the rules, updated 2017).
The Committee is the only area of discussion and proposals which adapts to the needs and the possibilities in the areas of registration of veterinary products in America.

Strategic Plan 2020-2025

The Strategic Plan was developed by the Secretariat and adopted during XXV Seminar.

The Strategic Plan shall be effective for 4 years, starting on January 1 of the year 2020 and ending on December 31, 2024.

The plan includes five objectives and five actions that shall be carried out to accomplish each of those objectives.

Discover the latest Strategic Plan.


Ana Sgammini