Regional workshop on the foot and mouth disease official status


Improving capacities for official recognition of FMD status

From 1 to 3 December, the Virtual Workshop on the official recognition of OIE status for animal diseases was held, focusing on the maintenance, reconfirmation, suspension and recovery of FMD (foot and mouth disease) status. Representatives from 28 Members in the Americas participated in the workshop, along with representatives from international and regional organisations. (access the programme with the presentations).

The Terrestrial Animal Health Code sets out the requirements for countries to apply for official recognition by the OIE of their sanitary status as free (or their level of risk) from a range of diseases, as well as recognition of official control programmes. This recognition is given by the World Assembly of Delegates at its annual General Session, following evaluation by the Scientific Commission for Animal Diseases of the information provided by Members. It is also a requirement for Members to reconfirm these statuses annually, updating the information that justifies the maintenance of this health status.


The official Foot and mouth disease status

is defined on the basis of the requirements and standard operating procedures applied by the OIE for the recognition, maintenance and recovery of official status

In the event of an outbreak of an officially recognised disease in a country, these statuses are automatically lost. In order to support its members in the rapid recovery of such status for trade in safe commodities, the OIE has additional procedures and requirements such as zoning and compartmentalisation. These measures aim to re-establish sanitary guarantees for purchasing countries in the shortest possible time.

Additionally, the support actions provided by the OIE Reference Laboratories of the American continent for this disease were presented, given that diagnostic support and the provision of vaccines suitable for their use are essential for the maintenance and recovery of the sanitary status.

Finally, presentations were made and discussions held on the proposed amendment of the Terrestrial Animal Health Code Chapter on Foot and Mouth Disease, available for comment by Members through their Delegates

The workshop provided the opportunity to have access to updated content, and to guide the planning of the necessary actions for the recovery of health status in the event of the eventual appearance of the disease in those countries officially recognized.

Because protecting animals is preserving our future.