From 17 to 21 April, the Regional Representation for the Americas of the World Organisation for Animal Health, with the support of the Servicio Nacional de Sanidad, Inocuidad y Calidad Agroalimentaria (SENASICA), will hold two meetings in Mexico City to strengthen the capacities of the countries of the region in wildlife health.
Delegates from the Americas, focal points, representatives of international organisations and the private sector will participate in these activities.
Dr Luis Barcos, WOAH Regional Representative for the Americas commented: “The recent outbreak of avian influenza in our region reinforces the importance of addressing and strengthening wildlife health. During these two meetings, we will have technical and scientific discussions with experts at the highest level, where we will discuss issues such as surveillance in poultry and wild birds, vaccination, and we will also talk about the strategy to be followed in the Americas“.
17-19 April
During the three-day workshop, the wildlife focal points of the World Organisation for Animal Health will address the main issues in wildlife animal health and welfare, such as:
19 – 21 April
Global outbreaks of highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) in poultry and wild birds have occurred periodically over the past 20 years and have affected different regions of the world. In late 2022, in response to the first outbreaks detected in Central and South America, the GF-TADs Regional Steering Committee for the Americas approved the establishment of the Standing Group of Experts on Avian Influenza (SGE-AI)
The second meeting of the Standing Group of Experts on Avian Influenza aims to: