Workshop on alternatives to antimicrobials


On 22 August, the Pre-Congress Workshop on alternatives to antimicrobials was held in Quito, Ecuador, in the framework of the Latin American Microbiology Congress (ALAM) 2023. This workshop was organised with STAR-IDAZ and had the support of Agrocalidad, the Agency for Regulation and Phytosanitary and Zoosanitary Control of Ecuador.

During this workshop, 51 participants representing veterinary services and researchers from 11 Latin American countries presented their countries’ initiatives on alternatives to antimicrobials (ATA) and worked in 4 roundtable discussions: phages, immunomodulators and microbiome, facilitating ATA to market & acceptability.

Dr Maria Mesplet, Project Officer of the AMR-EU project “Working together to fight antimicrobial resistance” commented: “Encouraging research and innovation as well as alternatives to antimicrobials is one of the objectives of the project, so we are very pleased to have been able to hold this workshop. This was certainly a great first step in bringing veterinary services and researchers together to work on finding solutions to the AMR problem“.

Access the agenda and presentations