Since 2005, the GF-TADs Regional Steering Committee has defined Cochliomyia hominivorax myiasis as one of the priority transboundary diseases. ©WOAH/X. Torres Melchor
The formation of this expert group under the Global Framework for the Control of Transboundary Animal Diseases (GF-TADs) represents an important step towards strengthening regional cooperation in the fight against this disease.
Myiasis caused by Cochliomyia hominivorax, popularly known as the cattle screwworm, remains one of the main threats to livestock farming in the Americas, especially in Latin America and the Caribbean. This parasite, which affects cattle and other domestic animals, is responsible for infesting open wounds in animals, causing painful lesions and secondary infections.
The screwworm has a life cycle in which its larvae feed on the living tissues of the animal, mainly affecting the skin, muscles and subcutaneous tissue. This infestation represents a risk for animal health and productivity, as it reduces the yield of meat, milk, leather and other products, as well as generating additional costs for treatment and control.
Over the past few years, efforts to control myiasis in the region have been up and down. While eradication and control programmes in some countries have made significant progress, treatment resistance and lack of adequate infrastructure in remote areas remain major challenges. Environmental conditions, climate change and increased animal movement favour the spread of Cochliomyia hominivorax, leading to the re-emergence of the disease in Central American countries, where it had been eradicated for almost 30 years.
In this context, regional cooperation and the implementation of new strategies have become essential to make further progress in the control and eradication of myiasis and to prevent new outbreaks. Control efforts should not only focus on the use of veterinary treatments, but also on strengthening epidemiological surveillance, the use of innovative technologies for diagnosis and control, and the education and training of producers and animal health professionals.
In response to these challenges, the World Organisation for Animal Health (WOAH) and the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) supported the GF-TADs Regional Steering Committee in the formation of a new expert group, specifically focused on Cochliomyia hominivorax myiasis in the Americas. This expert group will bring together international, regional and sub-regional organisations, scientists, and representatives of health authorities in the region, with the objective of providing locally adapted recommendations to improve the control and management of this parasitic disease in livestock.
On 17 April, the 19th Regional Steering Committee Meeting for the Americas was held in virtual format.
The new expert group will analyse and propose strategies for disease control, developing a roadmap for the coming years. It is expected to coordinate epidemiological surveillance, animal movement controls and clinical treatment, as well as strategies for the dispersal of sterile insects, among other points that are defined as necessary. In addition, it will manage guidelines for health education and information dissemination.
With the support of the experience and expertise of the experts involved, it is expected that the countries of the Americas will be able to address more effectively the challenges related to the control of screwworm.
The eradication of Cochliomyia hominivorax myiasis is an ambitious task, but with the joint commitment of governments, animal health experts and producers, the region is taking decisive steps to reduce the impact of this disease and move towards a future with less risk for livestock and more security for rural communities. The launch of the new GF-TADs expert group is a sign of the growing cooperation in the Americas region to address the challenges posed by this disease.
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