How to prevent AMR in aquaculture


For good aquatic animal health, it is very important to have procedures in place to prevent the entry of disease-causing micro-organisms. These procedures, known as biosecurity, allow early detection of diseases and maintain animal welfare. In the framework of the tripartite project “Working together to fight antimicrobial resistance” together with WOAH Collaborating Centre: Centre for Antimicrobial Stewardship in Aquaculture (CASA) in Chile, we developed a short document with recommendations on how to prevent antimicrobial resistance in aquaculture.

This document was developed especially for aquaculture farmers, and has short and concise recommendations in line with the Aquatic Animal Health Code of the World Organisation for Animal Health.

Download the full document in Spanish and Portuguese

SPA - Cómo prevenir la resistencia a los antimicrobianos (RAM) en la acuicultura
SPA - Cómo prevenir la resistencia a los antimicrobianos (RAM) en la acuicultura

PDF - 1.34MB

POR - Como prevenir a resistência aos antimicrobianos (RAM) na aquicultura?
POR - Como prevenir a resistência aos antimicrobianos (RAM) na aquicultura?

PDF - 1.43MB